Philip Re-Enters

THE m was very wet - the sort of m on which male neighbours who have no imperative occupation at home are likely to pay their fair friends an illimitable visit. The rain, which has been endurable enough for the walk or ride one way, is sure to bee so heavy and at the same time so certain to clear up by and by, that nothing but an open quarrel abbreviate the visit: lateation will not do at all. And if people happen to be lovers, what be so delightful - in England - as a rainy m? English sunshine is dubious: bos are never quite secure; and if you sit down on the grass, it may lead to catarrhs. But the rain is to be depended on. You gallop through it in a matosh and presently find yourself in the seat you like best - a little above or a little below the one on which yoddess sits - (it is the same thing to the metaphysid, and that is the reason why wome once worshipped and looked down upon) - with a satisfactory fidehat there will be no ……(内容加载失败!)




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