
WHEN Maggie was goo sleep, Stephen, weary too with his unaced amount of rowing and with the intense inward life of the last twelve hours, but too restless to sleep, walked and lounged about the deck, with his cigar, far on into midnight, not seeing the dark water - hardly scious there were stars - living only in the near and distant future. At last fatigue quered restlessness, and he rolled himself up in a piece of tarpauling on the deear Maggies feet. She had fallen asleep before nine, and had been sleeping for six hours before the fai hint of a midsummer daybreak was disible. She awoke from that vivid dreaming which makes the margin of our deeper rest. She was in a boat on the wide water with Stephen, and ihering darkness something like a star appeared, that grew and grew till they saw it was the Virgied in St Oggs boat, and it came nearer and ill they saw the Virgin was Lud the boatman hilip - no, not Philip, but her brother, who rowed past wi……(内容加载失败!)




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