Maggie and Lucy

BY the end of the week Dr Kenn had made up his mind that there was only one way in which he could secure Maggie a suitable living at St Oggs. Even with his twenty years experience as a parish priest, he was aghast at the obstinate tinuanputations against her in the face of evidence. Hitherto he had been rather more adored and appealed to than was quite agreeable to him; but now, in attempting to open the ears of women to reason and their sces to justi behalf of Maggie Tulliver, he suddenly found himself as powerless as he was aware he would have been if he had attempted to influehe shape of bos. Dr Kenn could not be tradicted: he was listeo in silence; but when he left the room, a parison of opinions among his hearers yielded much the same result as before. Miss Tulliver had undeniably acted in a blamable manner: even Dr Kenn did not deny that: how then could he think so lightly of her as to put that favourable interpretation ohing she h……(内容加载失败!)




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