正文 Part One-1

Iown there were two mutes, and they were always together. Early every m they would e out from the house where they lived and walk arm in arm dowreet to work. The two friends were very different. The one who always steered the way was an obese and dreamy Greek. In the summer he would e out wearing a yellreen polo shirt stuffed sloppily into his trousers in front and hanging loose behind. When it was colder he wore over this a shapeless gray sweater.

His face was round and oily, with half-closed eyelids and lips that curved in a geupid smile. The other mute was tall. His eyes had a quick, intelligent expression. He was always immaculate and very soberly dressed.

Every m the two friends walked silently together until they reached the main street of the town. Thehey came to a certain fruit and dy store they paused for a moment on the sidewalk outside. The Greek, Spiros Antonapoulos, worked for his cousin, who owhis fruit store. His job was to make dies and ……(内容加载失败!)




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