正文 Part One-2

Oernoon he had e to meet Antonapoulos at the fruit store when Charles Parker handed him a letter. The letter explaihat Charles Parker had made arras for his cousin to be taken to the state insane asylum two hundred miles away. Charles Parker had used his influen the town and the details were already settled. Antonapoulos was to leave and to be admitted into the asylum the , week.

Singer read the letter several times, and for a while he could not think. Charles Parker was talking to him across the ter, but he did not even try to read his lips and uand. At last Singer wrote otle pad he always carried in his pocket:You ot do this. Antonapoulos must stay with me.

Charles Parker shook his head excitedly. He did not know much Ameri. None of your business, he kept saying over and over.

Singer khat everything was fihe Greek was afraid that some day he might be responsible for his cousin.

Charles Parker did not know much about the Ameri language—but he uood the……(内容加载失败!)




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