正文 Part One-4

You know what you do, Blount said drunkenly. *You just------’

All right, Biff said very quietly. No, I t Now you just behave yourself.’

Biff went to the end of the ter aurned with two glasses ht beer. The drunk picked up his glass so clumsily that beer slopped down on his hands and messed the ter. Biff sipped his portion with careful relish. He regarded Blount steadily with half-closed eyes. Blount was not a freak, although when you first saw him he gave you that impression. It was like something was

deformed about him—but when you looked at him closely each part of him was normal and as it ought to be. Therefore if this difference was not in the body it robably in the mind. He was like a man who had served a term in prison or had been to Harvard College or had lived for a long time with fners in South America. He was like a person who had been somewhere that other people are not likely to go or had done something that others are not apt to do.





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