正文 Part One-5

Well—you know this here dumb gentleman—hands in pockets—this here------’

Mr. Singer.’

And he e along and just stood looking around to see what it were all about. And Mr. B-B-Blount seen him and eo talk and holler. And then all of a sudden he fallen down on the ground. Maybe he done really busted his head open. A p-p-p-polie up and somebody doold him Mr. Blount been staying here.’

Biff bowed his head and ahe story he had just heard into a pattern. He rubbed his nose and thought for a minute.

"They liable to pile in here any minute. Willie went to the door and looked dowreet Here they all e now.

They having t him.’

A dozen onlookers and a poli all tried to crowd into the restaurant. Outside a couple of whores stood looking in through the front window. It was always funny hoeople could crowd in from nowhere when anything out of the ordinary happened.

No use creating any more disturbahan necessary, Biff said. He looked at the poli who supported the ……(内容加载失败!)




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