正文 Part One-6

When the bed was smoothly made he waited until Alice had left the room before he slipped off his trousers and crawled inside.

His feet jutted out from beh the cover and his wiry-haired chest was very dark against the pillow. He was glad he had not told Alice about what had happeo the drunk. He had wao talkto somebody about it, because maybe if he told all the facts out loud he could put his finger ohing that puzzled him.

The poor son-of-a-bitch talking and talking and not ever getting anybody to uand what he meant. Not knowing himself, most likely. And the way he gravitated around the deaf-mute and picked him out and tried to make him a free present of everything in him.


Because in some men it is io give up everything personal at some time, before it ferments and poisons—throw it to some human being or some humahey have to. In some men it is ihe text is All men seek for Thee. Maybe that was why—maybe—He was a aman, the fellow had said. And a n……(内容加载失败!)




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