正文 Part One-7

She rumpled the sawdust out of Bubbers hair and straightened Ralphs cap. This cap was the fihing Ralph had. It was made out of lad all embroidered. The ribbon under bis was blue on one side and white oher, and over each ear there were big rosettes. His head had got too big for the cap and the embroidery scratched, but she alut it on him wheook him out. Ralph didnt have any real baby carriage like most folks babies did, or any summer bootees.

He had to be dragged around in a tacky old wagon she had got for Christmas three years before. But the fine cap gave him


There was nobody oreet, for it was late Sunday m and very hot. The wagon screeched and rattled.

Bubber was barefooted and the sidewalk was so hot it burned his feet. The green oak trees made cool-looking black shadows on the ground, but that was not shade enough.

Get up in the wagon, she told Bubber. A Ralph sit in your lap.’

I walk all right.’

The long summer-time always gave Bubber the……(内容加载失败!)




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