正文 Part One-8

Mick put the picture ba the closet shelf. None of them were any good much. The people didnt have fingers and some of the arms were lohan the legs. The class had been fun, though. But she had just drawn whatever came into her head without reason—and in her heart it didnt give her he

same feeling that music did. Nothing was really as good as music.

Mielt down on the floor and quickly lifted the top of the big hatbox. Inside was a cracked ukulele strung with two violin strings, a guitar string and a banj. The cra the back of the ukulele had beely mended with stig plaster and the round hole in the middle was covered by a piece of wood. The bridge of a violin held up the strings at the end and some sound-holes had been carved oher side.

Mick was making herself a violin. She held the violin in her lap. She had the feeling she had never really looked at it before. Some time ago she made Bubber a little play mandolin out of a cigar box with rubber bands, and ……(内容加载失败!)




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