正文 Part One-10

sound. People stood silently in doorways or lounged on steps.

They looked at Jake with yellow, expressionless faces. He stared back at them with wide, brown eyes. He walked jerkily, and now and then he wiped his mouth with the hairy back of his hand.

At the end of Weavers Lahere was a vat block. It had once been used as a junk yard for old automobiles. Rusted pieaery and torn iubes still littered the ground. A trailer arked in one er of the lot, and near-by was a flying-jinny partly covered with vas.

Jake approached slowly. Two little younguns in overalls stood before the flying-jinny. hem, seated on a box, a Negro man drowsed ie sunshine, his knees collapsed against each other. In one hand he held a saelted chocolate.

Jake watched him stick his fingers in the miry dy and then lick them slowly.

?Whos the manager of this outfit?’

The Negro thrust his two sweet fingers between his lips and rolled over them with his tongue. He a red-headed man, he said wh……(内容加载失败!)




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