正文 Part One-12

He could not stop those terrible things, and afterward he could never uand.

This here supper sure smells good to me, said Portia. expect us better eat now because Highboy and Willie liable to e trooping in any minute.’

Doctor Copelaled his spectacles and pulled his chair up to the table. Where have your husband and William been spending the evening?’

They been throwing horseshoes. This here Raymond Jones haves a horseshoe pla his back yard. This Raymond and his sister, Love Jones, plays ever night. Love is such a ugly girl I dont mind about Highboy or Willie going around to their house any time they wishes. But they said they would

e bae at quarter to ten and I expeg them now any minute.’

Before I fet, said Doctor Copeland. I suppose you hear frequently from Hamilton and Karl Marx.’

I does from Hamilton. He practically taken over all the work on randpapas place. But Buddy, he in Mobile —and you know he were never a big hand at writiers. However, B……(内容加载失败!)




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