正文 Part Two-1

J. ms summer was different from any other time Mick could remember. Nothing much happehat she could describe to herself in thoughts or words—but there was a feeling of

ge. AH the time she was excited. In the m she couldnt wait to get out of bed and start going for the day. And at night she hated like hell to have to sleep again.

Right after breakfast she took the kids out, and except for meals they were gone most of the day. A good deal of the time they just roamed around the streets—with her pulling Ralphs wagon and Bubber following along behind. Always she was busy with thoughts and plans. Sometimes she would look up suddenly and they would be way off in some part of town she didnt even reize. And once or twice they ran into Bill oreets and she was so busy thinking he had to grab her by the arm to make her see him.

Early in the ms it was a little cool and their shadows stretched out tall on the sidewalk in front of them. But in the middle of the day……(内容加载失败!)




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