正文 Part Two-3

There were many worries on his mind. For ohing, Alice was not well. She worked downstairs as usual from seven in the m until ten at night, but she walked very slowly and brown circles were beh her eyes. It was in the busihat she showed this illness most plainly. One Sunday, when she wrote out the days menu oypewriter, she marked the special dinner with chi a la king at twenty ts instead of fifty, and did not discover the mistake until several ers had already ordered and were ready to pay. Aime she gave back two fives and three ones as ge for ten dollars. Biff would stand looking at her for a long time, rubbing his houghtfully and with his eyes half-closed.

They did not speak of this together. At night he worked downstairs while she slept, and during the m she mahe restaurant alone. When they worked together he stayed behind the cash register and looked after the kit and the tables, as was their . They did not talk except on matters of business, but Biff……(内容加载失败!)




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