正文 Part Two-4

It about our Willie. He been a bad boy and do hisself in mighty bad trouble. And us got to do something. Doctor Copeland walked from the hall with rigid steps. He stopped in the bedroom for his bathrobe, shawl, and slippers a back to the kit. Portia was waiting for him there. The kit was lifeless and cold. All right. What has he done? What is it? Just wait a minute. Just let me find brain room so I study it all out and tell it to you plain.’

He crushed some sheets of neer lying on thehearth and picked up a few sticks of kindling.

Let me make the fire, Portia said. You just sit down at the table, and soon as this here stove is hot us going to have a cup of coffee. Then maybe it all wont seem so bad.’

"There is not any coffee. I used the last of it yesterday. > When he said this Portia began to cry. Savagely she stuffed paper and wood into the stove and lighted it with a trembling hand. "This here the way it is, she said. Willie and Highboy were messin……(内容加载失败!)




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