正文 Part Two-6

The house was still quiet. Everybody had fotten about Bubber. He was nowhere around. An hour passed. Her Mama and Hazel aa and all the boarders waited in the front room. Mister Siood in the doorway.

After a long time her Dad came home. He said Baby wouldnt

die but that her skull was fractured. He asked for Bubber.

Nobody knew where he was. It was dark outside. They called Bubber in the back yard and ireet. They sent Spareribs and some other boys out to hunt for him. It looked like Bubber had gone clear out of the neighborhood. Harry went around to a house where they thought he might be.

Her Dad walked up and down the front porch. I never have whipped any of my kids yet, he kept saying. I never believed in it. But Im sure going to lay it onto that kid as soon as I get my hands on him.’

Mick sat on the banisters and watched down the dark street. I manage Bubber. Once he es back I take care of him all right.’

You go out and hunt for him. You find him ……(内容加载失败!)




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