正文 Part Two-8

Now it came about that various rumors started iown ing the mute. In the years before with An-tonapoulos they had walked bad forth to work, but except for this they were always aloogether in their rooms. No one had bothered about them then—and if they were observed it was the big Greek on whom attention was focused. The Singer of those years was fotten.

So the rumors about the mute were rid varied. The Jews said that he was a Jew. The merts along the main street claimed he received a large legad was a very rich man. It was whispered in one browbeateile union that the mute was an anizer for the C.I.O. A lourk who had roamed into the town years ago and who languished with his family behind the little store where they sold linens claimed passioo his wife that the mute was Turkish. He said that when he spoke his language the mute uood. And as he claimed this his voice grew warm and he fot to squabble with his children and he was full of plans and activity. ……(内容加载失败!)




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