正文 Part Two-9

Yah Freedom and pirates. Yah Capital and Democrats, says the ugly oh the mustache. Then he tradicts himself and says, Freedom is the greatest of all ideals. I just got to get a ce to write this musi me and be a musi. I got to have a ce says the girl. We are not allowed to serve, says the black Doctor. That is the Godlike need for my people. Aha, says the owner of the New York Cafe". He is a thoughtful one.

That is the way they talk when they e to my room. Those words in their heart do not let them rest, so they are always very busy. Then you would think when they are together they would be like those of the Society who meet at the vention in Ma this week. But that is not so. They all came to my

room at the same time today. They sat like they were from different cities. They were even rude, and you know how I have always said that to be rude and not attend to the feelings of others is wrong. So it was like that. I do not uand, so I write it to you becaus……(内容加载失败!)




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