正文 Part Two-10

Or maybe around .’

"That was a good time to be living, Biff agreed.

Blount shuffled his feet self-sciously. His face was rough and unhappy. He was ready to leave. Biff was alert to detain him. Tell me—why did you ever e to this town anyway? He knew immediately that the question had not been a politie and he was disappointed with himself. Yet it was queer how the man could land up in a place like this.

Its the Gods truth I dont know.’

They stood quietly for a moment, both leaning on the ter.

The game of di the er was fihe first dinner order, a Long Island duck special, had been served to the fellow who mahe A. and P. store. The radio was turned halfway between a church sermon and a swing band.

Blount leaned over suddenly and smelled Biffs face.


Shaving lotion, Biff said posedly.

He could not keep Blount lohe fellow was ready to go.

He would e in with Singer later. It was always like this.

He wao draw Blount out pletely so that he could uaai……(内容加载失败!)




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