正文 Part Two-12

Last night these here friends e round to my house and say that Buster were home and had something to tellme about Willie. I run all the way and this here is what he said.’


There were three of them. Willie and Buster and this other boy. They were friends. Then this here trouble e up. Portia halted. She wet her finger with her tongue and then moistened her dry lips with her finger. It were something to do with the way this here white guard picked on them all the time. They were out on roadwork one day and Buster he sassed bad theher boy he try to run off in the woods. They taken all three of them. They taken all three of them to the camp and put them in this here ice-cold room.’

He said yes again. But his head quavered and the word sounded like a rattle in his throat.

It were about six weeks ago, Portia said. You remember that cold spell then. They put Willie and them boys in this room like ice.’

Portia spoke in a low voice, and she her paused b……(内容加载失败!)




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