正文 Part Two-13

See that house up on the hill there? Less us stop a some water.’

No, we better wait. Well water gives you typhoid.’

I already had typhoid. I had pneumonia and a broken leg and a ied foot.’

I remember.’

Yeah, Mick said. Me and Bill stayed in the front room when we had typhoid fever ae Wells would run past on the sidewalk holding his nose and looking up at the window. Bill was very embarrassed. All my hair came out so I was bald-headed.’

I bet were at least ten miles from town. Weve been riding an hour and a half—fast riding, too.’

I sure am thirsty, Mick said. And hungry. What you got in that sack for lunch?’

Cold liver pudding and chi salad sandwiches and pie.’

Thats a good piiner. She was ashamed of what she had brought. I got two hard-boiled eggs—already stuffed—with separate little packages of salt and pepper. And sandwiches—blackberry jelly with butter. Everything ed in oil paper.

And paper napkins.’

I didnt intend for you t anything, H……(内容加载失败!)




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