正文 Part Two-14

Blasphemer! Simms screamed. God will get you. You and all

your crew. God remembers the scoffers. Hewatches after me. God watches everybody but He watches me the most. Like He did Moses. God tells me things in the night.

God will get you.’

He took Simms down to a er store for Coca-Colas a-butter crackers. Simms began to work on him again.

When he left for the show Simms ran along behind him.

e to this er tonight at seven oclock. Jesus has a message just for you.’

The first days of April were windy and warm. White clouds trailed across the blue sky. In the wind there was the smell of the river and also the fresher smell of fields beyond the town.

The show was crowded every day from four iernoon until midnight. The crowd was a tough one. With the new spring he felt an uone of trouble.

One night he was w on the maery of the swings when suddenly he was roused from thought by the sounds of angry voices. Quickly he pushed through the crowd until he saw a wh……(内容加载失败!)




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