正文 Part Two-15

He stood ohreshold of a small white room furnished only with an iron bed, a et, and two chairs. On the bed lay the terrible Negro he had met oairs at Singers house. His face was very black against the white, stiff pillows.

The dark eyes were hot with hatred but the heavy, bluish lips were posed. His face was motionless as a black mask except for the slow, wide flutters of his nostrils with each breath.

Get out, the Negro said.

Wait------ Jake said helplessly. Why do you say that?’

This is my house.’

Jake could not draw his eyes away from the Negros terrible face. But why?’

You are a white man and a stranger.’

Jake did not leave. He walked with cumbersome caution to

one of the straight white chairs aed himself. The Negro moved his hands on the terpane. His black eyes glittered with fever. Jake watched him. They waited. In the room there was a feeling tense as spiracy or as the deadly quiet before an explosion.

It was long past midnight. The warm, dar……(内容加载失败!)




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