正文 Part Three-1

August 21,1939 M

J. WILL not be hurried, Doctor Copeland said. Just let me be. Kindly allow me to sit here in peace a moment.’

Father, us n to rush you. But it time now to get gone from here.’

Doctor Copeland rocked stubbornly, his gray shawl drawn close around his shoulders. Although the m was warm and fresh, a small wood fire burned iove. The kit was bare of all

furniture except the chair in which he sat. The other rooms were empty, too. Most of the furniture had been moved to Portias house, and the rest was tied to the automobile outside. All was in readiness except his own mind. But how could he leave when there was her beginning nor end, her truth nor purpose in his thoughts? He put up his hand to steady his trembling head and tio rock himself slowly in the creakingchair.

Behind the closed door he heard their voices: I done all I . He determio sit there till he good and ready to leave.’

Buddy and me done ed the a plates and------’

Us should hav……(内容加载失败!)




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