正文 Part Three-2

I will do what I .’

?Yes, I glad to have you. I believe in all Hnfolks stig together—blood kin and marriage kin. I believe in all us struggling along and helping each other out, and some day us will have a reward in the Beyond.’

Pshaw! Doctor Copeland said bitterly. I believe in justiow.’

What that you say you believe in? You speak so hoarse I aint

able to hear you.’

In justice for us. Justice for us Negroes.That right.’

He felt the fire in him and he could not be still. He wao sit up and speak in a loud voice—yet wheried to raise himself he could not find the strength. The words in his heart grew big and they would not be silent But the old man had ceased to listen and there was no oo hear him.

?Git, Lee Ja. Git, Honey. Pick up your feets and quit this here poking. Us got a long way to go.’

AfternoonJ AKE ran at a violent, clumsy pace. He went through Weavers Lane and then cut into a side alley, climbed a fence, and hastened onward. Nausea rose……(内容加载失败!)




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