正文 Part Three-3

Out ireet again he saw that the clouds had turned a deep, angry purple. Iagnant air there was a storm smell.

The vivid green of the trees along the sidewalk seemed to steal into the atmosphere so that there was a strange greenish glow over the street. All was so hushed and still that Jake paused for a moment to sniff the air and look around him. Then he grasped his suitcase under his arm and began to run toward the awnings of the main street. But he was not quiough.

There was oallic crash of thunder and the air chilled suddenly. Large silver drops of rain hissed on the pavement.

An avalanche of water blinded him. When he reached the New

York Cafe his clothes g wet and shriveled to his body and his shoes squeaked with water.

Brannon pushed aside his neer and leaned his elbows on the ter. Now, this is really curious. I had this intuition you would e here just after the rain broke. I knew in my bones you were ing and that you would make it just too late. H……(内容加载失败!)




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