正文 PART Ⅲ-3

It was Juhe seveh, Friday, the sed day of the coarse- fishing season.

I hadn’t had any difficulty in fixing things with the firm. As for Hilda, I’d fitted her up with a story that was all shipshape and watertight. I’d fixed on Birmingham for my alibi, and at the last moment I’d even told her the name of the hotel I was going to stay at, Rowbottom’s Family and ercial. I happeo know the address because I’d stayed there some years earlier. At the same time I didn’t want her writing to me at Birmingham, which she might do if I was away as long as a week. After thinking it over I took young Saunders, who travels flisso Floor Polish, partly into my fidence. He’d happeo mention that he’d be passing through Birmingham on the eighteenth of June, and I got him to promise that he’d stop on his ost a letter from me to Hilda, addressed from Rowbottom’s. This was to tell her that I might be called away and she’d better not write. Saunders uood, or thought……(内容加载失败!)




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