正文 PART Ⅳ-5

But I had to see the pool at Binfield House.

I felt really bad that m. The fact was that ever since I struck Lower Binfield I’d been drinking almost tinuously from every opening time to every closing time. The reason, though it hadn’t occurred to me till this minute, was that really there’d been nothing else to do. That was all my trip had amouo so far—three days on the booze.

The same as the other m, I crawled over to the window and watched the bowler hats and school caps hustling to and fro. My enemies, I thought. The quering army that’s sacked the town and covered the ruins with fag-ends and paper bags. I wondered why I cared. You think, I dare say, that if it had given me a jolt to find Lower Binfield swollen into a kind of Dagenham, it was merely because I don’t like to see the earth getting fuller and try turning into town. But it isn’t that at all. I don’t mind towns growing, so long as they do grow and don’t merely spread like gravy ove……(内容加载失败!)




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