正文 PART 7


(shouts over the music)

Listen, Gill -- Theres this reporter

whos ben making my life a living hell

... If he es by here, dont talk to

him. And whatever yo do....

(crosses to Gill)

... Dont show him that picture of me

at the cert in San Francisco --

Suddenly, a loud CHUG emanates from the car overhead.


What was that?

Maggie stops Gill from playing. She shoots her ex an angry glare

and moves a lever on the shop wall. With a HUM, the car desds.


We went to San Francisco twice.

Remember oime we had a flat tire...

Which picture?

As the hydraulic lift slows, the car is lowered, revealing Ike

sitting in the drivers seat. He has been enjoying the

photograph hes holding.


(feigning shock)

Imagine! Maggie Carpeopless in a

public arena.

(checks photo again)

And I see there was a chill in the air.

Maggie swipes for the photo, but Ike is faster at pulling it away.


Give me that!


But the most iing thing here is

that I dohe rose tat……(内容加载失败!)




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