正文 That guy in the back room

That guy in the ba, she said. Hes eating our potatoes. You were wonderful last night. The night before that, you were wonderful. The night before that, you were terrible. Hes eating our potatoes. I went in there and looked at him and he had potato smeared all over his face. Mashed. You were wonderful on the night that we met. I was terrible. You were terrible on the night we had the sug pig. The pig, cooking the pig, put you in a terrible mood. I was wonderful in order to balao attempt to balance, your foul behavior. That guy with the eye pat the ba is eating our potatoes. What are you going to do about it?

What? he said.

What are you going to do about it?

Hes got a potato masher in there?

And a little pot. He holds the little pot between his knees. Mashes away with his masher. Mash mash mash.

Well, he said, hes got to live, dont he?

I dont know. Maybe so, maybe not. Yht him home. What are you going to do about it?

lenty of potatoes, he said. I think ye……(内容加载失败!)




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