正文 Conversations With Goethe

November 13, 1823

I was walking home from the theatre with Goethe this evening when we saw a small boy in a plum-colored waistcoat. Youth, Goethe said, is the silky apple butter on the good brown bread of possibility.

December 9, 1823

Goethe had sent me an invitation to dinner. As I entered his sitting room I found him warming his hands before a cheerful fire. We discussed the meal to e at some length, for the planning of it had been an occasion of earhought to him and he was in quite good spirits about the anticipated results, whicluded sweetbreads prepared in the French manner with celery root and paprika. Food, said Goethe, is the topmost taper on the golden delabrum of existence.

January 11, 1824

Dinner aloh Goethe. Goethe said, "I will now fide to you some of my ideas about musiething I have been sidering for many years. You will have hat although certain members of the animal kingdom make a kind of music -- one speaks of the song of birds, does o?……(内容加载失败!)




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