正文 Henrietta and Alexandra

Alexandra was reading Heas manuscript.

"This," she said, pointing with her finger, "is inane."

Hea got up and looked over Alexandras shoulder at the sentence.

"Yes," she said. "I prefer the inane, sometimes. The ane is often inutile to the artist."

There was a moment of plation.

"I have been offered a thousand florins for it," Hea said. "The Dutch rights."

"How much is that in our money?"

"Two hundred sixty-six dollars."

"Bless Babel," Alexandra said, and took her friend in her arms.

Hea said: "Once I was a young girl, very much like any other young girl, ied in the same things, I was exemplary. I was told what I was, that is to say a young girl, and I knew what I was because I had been told and because there were other young girls all around me who had been told the same things and khe same things, and looking at them and hearing again in my head the things I had been told I knew what a young girl was. We had all been told the same things. I had not be……(内容加载失败!)




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Well we all had our Willie。。。目录+书签-->