正文 Speaking of the human body

Speaking of the human body, Klee said: One bone alone achieves nothing.

P this, people placed lamps on all of the street ers, and sofas o the lamps. People sat on the sofas and read Spinoza there, an iing glare cast on the pages by the dithering instant traffic lights. At other points, oreet, four-poster beds were planted, and loving couples slept or watched television together, the sets ected to the empty houses behind them by long black cables. Elsewhere, oreet, versation pits were chipped out of the crete, floored with Adam rugs, ahy discussions were held. Do we really need a War College? ular subject. Favorite paintings were lashed to the iron railings b the sidewalks, a Gainsbh, a van Dongen, a perfervid evocation of Umbriaal states, an important dark-brown bruising of Arches paper by a printer of modern life.

One man hung all of his shirts on the railing b a sidewalk, he had thirty-nine, and another was brushing his teeth in his bathrobe, another ……(内容加载失败!)




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Henrietta and Alexandra目录+书签The Sea of Hesitation