正文 When he came to 。。。

When he came to look at the building, with a real-estate man hissing and oozing beside him, we lowered the blinds, muted or extinguished lights, threw neers and dirty clothes on the floor in piles, burned rubber bands in ashtrays, and played Buxtehude on the hi-fi -- shaking an chords whose vibrations made the plaster falling from the ceiling fall faster. The new owood in profile, refusing to shake hands or eveo us, a tall thin young man suited in hopsag with a large manila envelope under one arm. We poio the plaster, to crevasses in the walls, sagging ceilings, leaks. heless, he closed.

Soon he was slipping little rent bills into the mailboxes, slip slip slip slip slip. In sixteen years wed never had rent bills but now we have rent bills. Hes raised the rent, and lowered the heat. The new owner creeps into the house by night and takes the heat away with him. He wants us out, out. If we were gohe building would be detrolled. The rents would climb into t……(内容加载失败!)




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