正文 Terminus

She agrees to live with him for "a few months"; where? probably at the Hotel Terminus, which is close to the tral Station, the blue coaches leaving for Lyons, Munich, the outerlands. . . Of course she has a Gold Card, no, it was not left at the florists, absolutely not. . .

The bellmen at the Hotel Terminus find the new arrival odd, even furtive; her hair is cut in a funny way, wouldnt you call it funny? and her habits are nothing but odd, the incessant pumping of the huge accordion, "Malague?a" over and ain, at the hour usually reserved for dinner. . .

The yellow roses are delivered, no, white baby orchids, the cream-colored walls of the room are severe and handsome, tall windows looking down the aveoward the Angel-Garden. Kneeling, with a sterilized needle, she removes a splinter from his foot; hes thinking, clothed, and in my right mind, and she says, now I lay me down to sleep, I mean it, Red Head --

Theyve agreed to meet on a certain street er; whe……(内容加载失败!)




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