正文 Wrack

-- Cold here in the garden.

-- You were plaining about the sun.

-- But when it goes behind a cloud --

-- Well, you t have everything.

-- The flowers are beautiful.

-- Indeed.

-- soling to have the flowers.

-- Half-way soled already.

-- And these Japanese rocks --

-- Artfully placed, most artfully.

-- You must admit, a great solation.

-- And Social Security.

-- A great solation.

-- And philosophy. Furthermore.

-- I read a book. Just the other day.

-- Sexuality, too.

-- They have books about it. I read one.

-- Well to the woods no more. I assume.

-- Where theres a will theres a way. Thats what my mother always said.

-- I wonder if its true.

-- I think not.

-- Well, youre driving me crazy.

-- Well youre driving me crazy too. Know what I mean?

-- Going to snap one of these days.

-- If you were a Japanese master you wouldnt snap. Those guys never snapped. Some of them were y.

-- Well, you t have everything.

-- Cold, here in the garden.

-- Ca caw.

-- You want……(内容加载失败!)




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