正文 Overnight to Many Distant Cities

A group of ese in brown jackets preceded us through the halls of Versailles. They were middle-aged mey, obviously important, perhaps thirty of them. At the entrao ea a guard stopped us, held us batil the ese had finished iing it. A fleet of black gover Citro?ns had brought them, they were much at ease with Versailles and with each other, it was clear that they were being rewarded for many years of good behavior.

Asked her opinion of Versailles, my daughter said she thought it was overdecorated.

Well, yes.

Again in Paris, years earlier, without Anna, we had a hotel room opening on a courtyard, and late at night through an open window heard a woman expressing intense and rising pleasure. We blushed and fell upon each other.

Right now sunny skies in mid-Manhattan, the temperature is forty-two degrees.

In Sto we ate reieak and I told the Prime Minister. . . That the price of booze was too high. Twenty dollars for a bottle of J & B! He (Olof Palme) agreed, most politely, and said that they fihe army that way. The ference we were attending was held at a workers vacatioer somewhat outside the city. Shamelessly, I asked for a double bed, there were none, we pushed two single beds together. An Israeli journalist sat owo single beds drinking our costly whiskey and explaining the devilish policies of the Likud. Then it was time to go play with the Afris. A poet who had been for a time a Minister of Culture explained why he had burned a grand piano on the lawn in front of the Ministry. "The piano," he said, "is not the national instrument of Uganda."

A boat ride through the scatt……(内容加载失败!)




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