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Experimentation with the "absurd," both in theme and teique, is by no means a totally new development in literature, especially for those readers familiar with the works of Camus, Kafka, Beckett, Genêt, and Robbe-Grillet. Like these writers, Mr. Barthelme satirizes and mimics most of the clichés of our popular culture, and, through the predits of his characters, makes the reader ask "Why?" Yet these predits, although bizarre, inane, and usually surrealistic, do not necessarily tain the morose otations of most writers of the absurd. For example, iale the narrator is thirty-five years old, six feet tall, with the logid reasoning of an adult. He is in the sixth grade, where Miss Mandible, his teacher, is frustrated in her desires to have an affair with him because, officially, he is a child!

These imaginative stories of dark humor, some of which have appeared in The New Yorker, are to be interpreted on many levels, and offer refreshing and thhly exg read……(内容加载失败!)




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