正文 Hiding Man

Enter expeg to find the place empty (I. A. L. Burligame walks through any open door). But it is not, there is a man sitting halfway down the right side, heavy, Negro, well dressed, dark glasses. Decide after moments thought that if he is hostile, will flee through door marked EXIT (no bulb behi sign, ainty that it leads anywhere). The film is in progress, title Attack of the Puppet People. Previously observed films at same theater, Cool and the Crazy, She Gods of Shark Reef, Night of the Blood Beast, Diary of a High School Bride. All superior examples of geending toward suggested offs rapes, obse tortures: man with huge pliers advang on disheveled beauty, cut to girls face, to pliers, to mans face, to girl, scream, blackout.

"Its better when the place is full," observes Negro, lifting voice slightly to carry over Pinocchio noises from puppet people. Voice pleasant, eyes behind glasses sinister? Choice of responses: anger, agreement, indifference, pique,……(内容加载失败!)




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