正文 Will You Tell Me?

Hubert gave Charles and Irene a nice baby for Christmas. The baby was a boy and its name aul. Charles and Irene who had not had a baby for many years were delighted. They stood around the crib and looked at Paul; they could not get enough of him. He was a handsome child with dark hair, dark eyes. Where did you get him Hubert? Charles and Irene asked. From the bank, Hubert said. It uzzling answer, Charles and Irene puzzled over it. Everyone drank mulled wine. Paul regarded them from the crib. Hubert leased to have been able to please Charles and Irehey drank more wine.

Eric was born.

Hubert and Irene had a destine affair. It was important they felt that Charles not know. To this end they bought a bed which they installed in another house, a house some distance from the house in which Charles, Irene and Paul lived. The new bed was small but fortable enough. Paul regarded Hubert and Irehoughtfully. The affair lasted for twelve years and was sidered very su……(内容加载失败!)




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