正文 Me and Miss Mandible

13 September

Miss Mandible wants to make love to me but she hesitates because I am officially a child; I am, acc to the records, acc to the gradebook on her desk, acc to the card index in the principals office, eleven years old. There is a misception here, ohat I havent quite mao get cleared up yet. I am in fact thirty-five, Ive been in the Army, I am six feet one, I have hair in the appropriate places, my voice is a baritone, I know very well what to do with Miss Mandible if she ever makes up her mind.

In the meantime we are studying on fras. I could, of course, answer all the questions, or at least most of them (there are things I dont remember). But I prefer to sit in this too-small seat with the desktop cramping my thighs and examihe life arouhere are thirty-two in the class, which is launched every m with the pledge of allegiao the flag. My own allegia the moment, is divided between Miss Mandible and Sue Ann Brownly, who sits across the aisle from ……(内容加载失败!)




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