正文 Marie, Marie, Hold On Tight

Henry Mackie, Edward Asher and Howard Ettle braved a rainstorm to demonstrate against the human dition on Wednesday, April 26 (and Marie, you should have used roof paint; the signs were a mess after half an hour). They began at St. John the Precursor on 69th Street at 1:30 p.m. picketing with signs bearing the slogans MAN DIES! / THE BODY IS DISGUST! / COGITO NOTHING! / ABANDON LOVE! and handing out annous of Henry Mackies lecture at the Playmor Lahe evening. There was muterest among bystanders in the viity of the church. A man who said his name was William Rochester came up to give encement: "Thats the way!" he said. At about 1:50 a fat, richly dressed beadle emerged from the church to dispute ht to picket. He had des which shook unpleasantly and, I am sorry to say, did not look like a good man.

"All right," he said, "now move on, you have to move along, you t picket us!" He said that the church had never been picketed, that it could not be picketed w……(内容加载失败!)




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