正文 Up, Aloft in the Air

Buck saw now that the situatioween Nand himself was siderably more serious than he had imagined. She exhibited unmistakable signs of a leaning in his dire. The leaning was acute, sometimes he thought she would fall, sometimes he thought she would not fall, sometimes he didnt care, and in every way tried to prove himself the man that he was. It meant dressing in unusual clothes and the breaking of old habits. But how could he shatter her dreams after all they had eogether? after all they had jointly seen and done since first identifying Cleveland as Cleveland? "Nancy," he said, "Im too old. Im not here is my son to sider, Peter." Her hand touched the area between her breasts where hung a decoration, datiimated from the World War I period -- that famous period!

The turbojet, their "ship," landed on its wheels. Buck wondered about the wheels. Why didnt they shear off when the aircraft landed so hard with a sound like thunder? Many had wondered before him. ……(内容加载失败!)




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