正文 Margins

Edward was explaining to Carl about margins. "The width of the margin shows culture, aestheticism and a sense of values or the lack of them," he said. "A very wide left margin shows an impractical person of culture and refi with a deep appreciation for the best in art and music. Whereas," Edward said, quoting his handwriting analysis book, "whereas, narrow left margins show the opposite. margin at all shoractiature, a wholesome ey and a general lack of good taste is. A very wide right margin shoerson afraid to face reality, oversensitive to the future and generally a poor mixer."

"I dont believe in it," Carl said.

"Now," Edward tinued, "with refereo yn there, you have an all-around wide margin which shoerson of extremely delicate sensibilities with love of color and form, one who holds aloof from the multitude and lives in his own dream world of beauty and good taste."

"Are you sure you got that right?"

"Im unig with you," Edward said, "across a vast g……(内容加载失败!)




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