正文 The Jokers Greatest Triumph

Fredrit over to his friend Bruce Waynes house about every Tuesday night. Bruce would be typically sitting in his study drinking a glass of something. Fredric would e in and sit down and look around the study in which there were many trophies of past exploits.

"Well Fredric what have you been doing? Anything?"

"No Bruce things have been just sort of rog along."

"Well this is Tuesday night and usually theres some a on Tuesday night."

"I know Bruce or otherwise I wouldnt pick Tuesday night to e over."

"You wao turn on the radio Fredric? Usually theres something iing on the radio or maybe youd like a little musiy hi-fi?"

Bruce Waynes radio ecial short-wave model with mara features. When Bruce tur on there was a squealing noise and then they were listening to Tokyo or somewhere. Above the radio on the wall hung a trophy from an exploit: a long Afri spear with a spearhead made of tin.

"Tell me Bruce what is it youre drinking there?" Fredric asked.

"Im sorry F……(内容加载失败!)




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