正文 A Shower of Gold

Because he he money Peterson answered an ad that said "Well pay you to be on TV if your opinions are strong enough or your personal experiences have a flavor of the unusual." He called the number and was told to e to Room 1551 in the Graybar Building on Lexington. This he did and after spending twenty minutes with a Miss Arbor who asked him if he had ever been in analysis was okayed for a program called Who Am I? "What do you have strong opinions about?" Miss Arbor asked. "Art," Peterson said, "life, money." "For instance?" "I believe," Peterson said, "that the learning ability of mice be lowered or increased by regulating the amount of serotonin in the brain. I believe that schizophrenics have a high ince of unusual fingerprints, including lihat make almost plete circles. I believe that the dreamer watches his dream in sleep, by moving his eyes." "Thats very iing!" Miss Arbor cried. "Its all in the World Almanac," Peterson replied.

"I see youre a scul……(内容加载失败!)




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