BOTH MOONS WERE HIGH, DIMMING THE LIGHT OF ALL BUT the brightest stars. The campfires burned oher side of the river, stretg away into the night. Quietly flowing, the Deisa caught the moonlight and the e of the nearer fires and cast them ba wavery, sinuous ripples. And all the lines of light led to his eyes, to where he was sitting on the riverbank, hands about his khinking about dying and the life hed lived.

There was a glory to the night, Saevar thought, breathing deeply of the mild summer air, smelling water and water flowers and grass, watg the refle of blue moonlight and silver on the river, hearing the Deisas murmurous flow and the distant singing from around the fires. There was singing oher side of the river too, he noted, listening to the enemy soldiers north of them. It was curiously hard to impute any absolute sense of evil to those harmonizing voices, or to hate them quite as blindly as being a soldier seemed to require. He wasnt really a sol……(内容加载失败!)




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