正文 Chapter 3

EVEN BEFORE THE ING OF CAUTIOUS ALBERICO FROM OVERseas in Barbadior to rule in Astibar, the city that liked to call itself "The Thumb that Rules the Palm" had been known for a certain degree of asceticism. In Astibar the m rites were never done in the presence of the dead as was the practi the ht provinces: such a procedure was regarded as excessive, too fevered an appeal to emotion.

They were to perform in the tral courtyard of the Sandreni Palace, watched from chairs and benches placed around the courtyard, and from the loggias above, leading off the interior rooms owo upper floors. In one of those rooms, marked by the appropriate hangings—grey-blue and black—lay the body of Sandre dAstibar, s over his eyes to pay the nameless doorman at the last portal of Morian, food in his hands and shoes on his feet, for no one living could know how long that final jouro the goddess was.

He would be brought down to the courtyard later, so that all those citizens……(内容加载失败!)




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