正文 Chapter 4

ESC HIS FATHERS BIER OUT THE EASTERN GATE IN THE hour before suomasso bar Satled his horse to an easy walk and allowed his mind to drift for the first time in forty-eight intensely stressful hours.

The road was quiet. Normally it would have been clogged at this hour with people returning to the distrada before curfew locked the city gates. Normally sundown cleared the streets of Astibar of all save the patrolling Barbadian meraries and those reckless enough to defy them in search of women or wine or other diversions of the dark.

This was not a normal time, however. Tonight and for the wo nights there would be no curfew in Astibar. With the grapes gathered and the distradas harvest a triumphant ohe Festival of Vines would see singing and dang and things wilder than those ireets for all three nights. For these three nights in the year Astibar tried to pretend it was sensuous, det Senzio. No Duke in the old days—and not even dour Alberiow—had been foolis……(内容加载失败!)




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