正文 Chapter 8

IT WAS STRANGE, DIANORA THOUGHT, STILL MOVING THROUGH the crowded Audience Chamber as spring sunlight filtered down on Brandins court from the stained- glass windows above, how the so clear portents of youth were alchemized by time into the many-layered ambiguities of adult life.

Sipping from her jeweled cup she sidered the alternative. That she had simply allowed things to bee nuanced and difficult. That the real truths were exactly the same as they had been on the day she arrived. That all she was doing was hiding: from what she had bee, and what she had not yet done.

It was the tral question of her life and once more she pushed it away to the edges of her awareness. Not today. Not in any daytime. Those thoughts beloo nights alone in the saishan when only Scelto by her dht know how sleepless she was, or find the tracks of tears along her cheeks when he came to wake her in the m.

Night thoughts, and this was bright day, in a very public place.

So she……(内容加载失败!)




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